Diseño del blog

5 abril 2021

Ana del Río


If you have been studying Spanish for a while, you might want to improve your vocabulary. Imagine that the word SÍ is from now on forbidden, how would you reply affirmatively instead? In this post, you will learn ten different ways to say yes in Spanish. 

1. Vale - Ok

Vale is, probably, one of the most frequent words in Spanish. Basically, anywhere that you could reply okay in English, you can use the word vale. You'll hear vale very, very often in conversation.

- ¿Vamos a tomar un café? - Shall we go for a coffee?
- Vale - Ok

2. Claro - Sure

Almost as common as vale, claro is another word for expressing agreement. In one meaning, it's just a way of saying sure when somebody asks you something. It's also very common to emphasise it as follows: ¡Claro que sí! 

- ¿Puedo usar el servicio? - Can I use the bathroom? 
- ¡Claro! - Sure

3. Por supuesto - Of course

Perfect to use in a formal context, por supuesto express that something is sure and quite clear or obvious. 

- ¿Has terminado el informe? - Have you finished the report? 
- Por supuesto - Of course.

4. ¡Cómo no! - Sure

To understad this expression in English, it should be translated as How could not be? We can use it when we want to be polite, for example, as a host.

- ¿Puedo comer un poco más? - Can I eat a little bit more?
- ¡Cómo no! - How could not be?

5. Hecho - Done

This is the short version of trato hecho or dalo por hecho. Both mean literally done deal, so it's commonly  used  to respond to requests. 

- ¿Traes el vino a la fiesta? - Do you bring the wine to the party?
- Hecho - Done

6. Efectivamente - Indeed

Efectivamente is used to confirm the information of our interlocutor. It's quite serious and perfect for formal enviroments.

- ¿Dices que la economía ha mejorado el último trimestre? - Are you saying that the economy has improved in the last trimester? 
- Efectivamente - Indeed

7. Sin problema - No problem

To be strict, sin problema is quite an informal way os saying you're welcome, but it could also mean yes to something that, for instance, you consider you can do. 

- ¿Puedes acabar tú el informe? - Can you finish the report by yourself?
- Sin problema - No problem

8. Sin duda - Without a doubt

As its equivalent in English, sin duda express that we are certain and sure about something.

- ¿Debería imprimir los billetes? - Should I print the tickets?
- Sin duda - Without a doubt

9. No veo por qué no - I don't see why not

When we want to imply that there are no reasons why a refusal would make sense, we can say No veo por qué no. 

- ¿Puedo invitar a Juan a la fiesta? - Can I invite Juan to the party?
- No veo por qué no - I don't see why not.

10. Dale - Go ahead

Dale is used as an affirmative response to a proposal or invitation in colloquial contexts.
- ¿Vamos a dar un paseo en bicicleta? - Shall we go for a bike ride?
- ¡Dale! - Go ahead

And remember, we Spaniards like to be emphatic, so we usually combine the different expressions in infinite ways:

- Sí, claro, por supuesto.
- Dale, sin problema.
- Claro, sin duda.
- ¡Cómo no! Eso está hecho.
- Sí, vale, no veo por qué no.

If you liked it and want to learn more, contact us!

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